Home US News Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian girl in West Bank Clash – Palestinian officials | Daily News Post

Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian girl in West Bank Clash – Palestinian officials | Daily News Post

Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian girl in West Bank Clash – Palestinian officials

 | Daily News Post

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) – Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian girl during clashes with stone throwers in the West Bank on Friday, Palestinian officials said.

Israel’s border police said that during clashes in the village of Umm Safa near the city of Ramallah, “masked suspects threw rocks and stones, endangering the lives of soldiers.”

Border police returned fire and “an assault was identified,” it said.

The Palestinian health minister said a 17-year-old resident of the village was killed.

Protests are held in Umm Safa every week against Israeli settlements, which often come into conflict with Israeli forces.

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Violence in the West Bank, among the areas where the Palestinians want to establish a government, has increased significantly in the past 15 months with attacks on Israel, attacks on Palestinian streets and attacks by Jewish residents in Palestinian villages.

(Reporting by Ali Sawafta, Nidal al-Mughrabi and Ari Rabinovitch, William Maclean’s Editing)

Copyright 2023 Thomson Reuters.

| Daily News Post


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