Home US News Marvell founders launch 2 billion Chips Foundry in Singapore | Daily News Post

Marvell founders launch 2 billion Chips Foundry in Singapore | Daily News Post

Marvell founders launch 2 billion Chips Foundry in Singapore | Daily News Post


SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Singapore-based Silicon Box opened a $2 billion semiconductor manufacturing facility in the city-state on Thursday, as it looks to expand the adoption of “chiplet” technology.

The two-year-old factory said in a statement the 73,000 square meter factory will create more than 1,000 jobs with the support of the Singapore Economic Development Board.

Silicon Box was created by the founders of US chipmaker Marvell, Sehat Sutardja and wife Weili Dai, and current CEO BJ Han.

Silicon Box is focused on “chiplets”, or small chips, which have the size of a grain of sand and are assembled in a process called Advanced Packaging, a low-cost way to bind small semiconductors in a single form processor that can power everything from data centers to household appliances.

The global chip industry has increasingly embraced the technology in recent years as chip manufacturing costs rise in the race to make transistors small enough to scale to the atomic number.

(Reporting by Fanny Potkin. Editing by Sam Holmes.)

Copyright 2023 Thomson Reuters.

| Daily News Post


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